
One Long Fall

 Unique to this year, we really haven't had a winter yet.  And as such I've been able to put in some additional time building and documenting the cold frame/greenhouse, but not as much time to publish.  Briefly, these carrots I protected from the deer are still growing good and the composted strawberry plant has yet to winter down and is actually still growing. I finished harvesting the marjoram, and have brewed and applied 4000 liters of tea, done a # of tests mostly leaving the ground alone to see if any greens would grow through the daily frosts, and here are those results.                                                 As one can see the compost tea seems to be improving the soil so as to be able to support growth during occasional frosts. The circles are mostly the same except the 50/50 mixed one that i'll use to start seeds in planters. I'll ...

Creating and Interpreting

 Around here farming is close to being a year round affair, had I not had to direct attention toward financial matters, a passively heated greenhouse would have been well under construction by now, perhaps by next year. In the mean time these carrots have sprouted and i'll see if these can be grown w/o the heated greenhouse, and the spices continue to produce until the first hard freeze. The trick right now is too grow organic bacteria and reintroduce it too the chemically harmed soil as well as the virgin soil so as to see how much and how long before regeneration takes place. I normally don't publish results until I know they work in the field and this can take a year or more to determine this. So my plan this year is to make up to 10,000 liters of seasoned organic matter, and add it before seeding next years crops, I can make 2000 liters for every inch of rain that falls but recently have had another month+ long dry spell.  Now a dry spell might be bad for making organic ma...

2021 results

 Over all it continues to be a great year and promises to get better. Shown to the right are my remaining 2019 marjoram harvest and my total 2020 harvest. On the left  the 2021 overall harvest and the large box is what I grew just so far out of the two organic containers, this item can now be checked off the list of needed items.  In addition the organic strawberry plant I started in the container has exploded in size and so I reintroduced it to the garden.  --------------------------------------------------------------But the big news continues to be all the soil being harmed by industrial chemical fertilizers, and once tainted and ruined , does not appear to come back until who knows how much organic goodie has been added, and who knows how much time before the soil rejection component has been neutralized.  These roots I pulled out of the cannabis garden show this in detail, a circular motion of trying to evade the poison while at the same time remaining aliv...

Oct Update

 Not that things aren't going well, they are going quite well, I've just been so busy that postings will be sporatic. There wont be a passive hot water green house or cold frame built this year, too many priorities.  But these strawberries are running like crazy and I think  i'll just let them run for a while and snow pea around them. I've grown more marjoram this year than ever before and these might even make it through the winter. And this parsley plant keeps growing and looking even better as the fall approaches. The cannabis garden has made a recovery but there is still a ways to go over there. More on that soon.                                                                                

Old School Technology or Just Another Lost Art

 I made this title up over a year ago and held off on using it until I knew more what it was about. I know somewhat more now but the questions and research still outweigh the answers right now.  Here is a link to get one started.                          I began with some gallon jugs which I tried to shake up few times a week. The VT organic farm I visited last year was attempting something to this effect.                                                                                                            ...

August Update

 So much progress is being made that I dont have the time right now to list them in detail, but briefly it appears that parsley does have its own distinct fragrance much like a tarragon does and i'm looking forward to see how this changes the taste of some of my meals.   I am preferring  this one plant situation as the better alternative to the bucket as the harvesting is problematic on the bucket side. I made advances in the basil drying process and some thing brought this batch of yellowing canoed leaves back to its original green and i'm looking into that with different post.                                                                      I've grown and dried more marjoram in these containers than even I thought possible so that has been a big success. I've begun some spinach and caulifl...

Video Update

 I am not only experimenting with full blown organics, the video side of operations has been questionable at best and so with some improvements I shall upload some old and some new and probably add explanation of  these file at a later date.