Old School Technology or Just Another Lost Art
I made this title up over a year ago and held off on using it until I knew more what it was about. I know somewhat more now but the questions and research still outweigh the answers right now.
Here is a link to get one started. https://piedmontmastergardeners.org/article/the-truth-about-compost-tea-making-it-using-it-and-what-to-expect-from-it/
I began with some gallon jugs which I tried to shake up few times a week. The VT organic farm I visited last year was attempting something to this effect.
Then I moved on to a 5 gallon jug b/c the need grew.
And this stuff gets tricky, if for some reason (like your working your day job too much), you dont get around to shaking it up in a timely fashion, its not long before an oxygen starved green algae is secretly created to actually harm the plants.
So too solve all the complications, I made a temporary 300 gallon, air pumped, aggressively water pump circulated tea tank, out of my hot water storage tank until a permanent one can be installed at a later date.
There doesn't appear to be a limit as to the type of things that can be brewed for everyday farm use, but the efficiency factor does seem to be at play here and more shall be reported about this as it becomes a known rather than a belief. The cannabis garden should provide some answers in a few weeks on this matter.
So to answer my question, yes its old school, (but new technological innovations are needed to bring it to a large based sustainable method).
And could very well be just another lost art if this idea is not passed down to future growers.
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