2021 results
Over all it continues to be a great year and promises to get better. Shown to the right are my remaining 2019 marjoram harvest and my total 2020 harvest.
On the left the 2021 overall harvest and the large box is what I grew just so far out of the two organic containers, this item can now be checked off the list of needed items.
This pic shows just how far the roots can go under better conditions, I just pulled this out, the roots probably went further.
On the left the 2021 overall harvest and the large box is what I grew just so far out of the two organic containers, this item can now be checked off the list of needed items.
In addition the organic strawberry plant I started in the container has exploded in size and so I reintroduced it to the garden.
--------------------------------------------------------------But the big news continues to be all the soil being harmed by industrial chemical fertilizers, and once tainted and ruined , does not appear to come back until who knows how much organic goodie has been added, and who knows how much time before the soil rejection component has been neutralized.These roots I pulled out of the cannabis garden show this in detail, a circular motion of trying to evade the poison while at the same time remaining alive.
This pic shows just how far the roots can go under better conditions, I just pulled this out, the roots probably went further.
I really don't see how the chemical fertilizer industry is going be able to over come this evidence that is being gathered against it, along with the denial of the forces that allow it continue.
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