An Early Planting Option This Year

 There is very little off season here in this deep south farm, from now late Jan right up to and including some early nov, there is always something to do with growing or harvesting crops here, so this off season I've beefed up crop security against nature so as to expand some tasty veggies.

I've begun organic germinating and am impressed at, not only the speed at which the seeds positively respond to the organic material, but the health of the seeds also. So after checking the 10 day forecast and knowing the local climate, have decided to seed early, I can always reseed and all it costs me is the time and energy.

I'll take note that I'm the only one I know in the area that has begun planting, but I'll find out for sure at the farmers market when I am the only one selling product and no one knows why.

I wouldn't be germinating if I wasn't ready to plant, I put the extra work and time in now, to easily dismantle and stack rows of fence at the end of each following year, as well as clip the fenced rows to each pole to ensure a secure fence once weight is added in the form of plant material and too navigate the garden once and a while until harvest.

 I have some fine tuning and a gate to complete but most of the critter protection and plant material fencing is complete.

The indoor lighting is questionable as too weather it will work as hoped, the type of light being the weak link in this process and since it uses less power, this may be the crucial element missing in the equation. In response I have begun to plant outside (cover on cold nights), and modify the indoor seeding and monitor this for hopeful signs.


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