
Getting Started In 2021

 I've got just about every condition known to farming going on this year, proven old school methods along with todays lighting technology.  Germination has begun, I'm going to start some plants indoors and i've added a half of a 55 gallon barrel to hold water as an addition to the percent's of organic matter that are dedicated to doing the same thing. The fencing is almost complete and it appears we will get an early spring or at least a weakened winter so Feb 1st as an outdoor planting date is right on schedule. Also, this is not my first rodeo at publishing a season of growth, here is a link to one of my you tube efforts at promoting cannabis and different edibles.

Introduction to a hopeful new year of prosperity

  I've been farming something every year for nearly 4 decades, tried about every method known to mankind, have attempted to reduce the amount of time and effort required to successfully farm, have farmed both the north and south, but not until now have I admitted that chemical farming alone is not only unsustainable, but damaging to the environment and if done long enough, is showing signs of permanent damage. I will leave the damage done and response to it for another day and now focus on the organic side of farming, occasionally adding some chemicals for balance but never enough to wash out of the soil and towards the ocean as industry does today. This topic is also a study as to just how much organic is enough so as to obtain the results desired but not over due the cost or available resources at hand. I prefer to start with a financially stable crop and once positive results are obtained, transfer that data to the remaining crops desired.  Which is why different gardens, differ

Admitting You Have A Problem

Proving unsustainable farming practices and being able to convince industry and politicians of the destructive ways of these practices, are two different animals. And this is why I shall use my blogs many topics and posts, to educate and be used as evidence against gvt to force a change in this, and other, faulty regulations and poor legislations. Making the decision to transition to an organic farm is a difficult one indeed, and is not done until all other options have been completely exhausted, but the will to carry on exists. I have found myself in this exact position and should my results be positive (as a few are seemingly suggesting they will be), a case against the dept of agriculture will, or probably should, be brought so as seeing to those responsible for regulating industry properly, do properly regulate industry. Currently around here it is illegal to operate a self sustaining organic farm but only once a case is made, can it be presented to the courts, this is the prim