June Update

 For the most part the year has been a raving success,  even though the snow peas haven't grown as tall from me being to busy to harvest and a portion going to seed rather than growth, I've still eaten snow peas just about everyday for the past 6 weeks and froze up a bunch too. 


We've had a bout of extreme heat and little rain over the past two months yet most plants are doing ok. These tender and juicy strawberries are going to do just fine and expand outward from there location, and these cantaloupe will be the perfect future filler for the waning snow peas.


The bread and butter of the farm though are the spices, and these grow containers are appearing to be the most productive way to grow my marjoram, thyme and parsley, but some of  my latest tarragon, (and even squash and a few others), recruits might have a seed quality problem about to rear its ugly head in the years to come as some did not appear at all and the one brand was all I could find so far.





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